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English (ESL) with David M.

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Teaches online
Enseña todos los niveles de habilidad
Age: 20+
Enseñando desde 2021

    Get a firm grasp on English with a tutor with 3 years experience.

    Each session will be 50 minutes long The first session is simply an in-depth consultation where we get to know each other and identify what issues you are facing in improving your English. In between the first session and the second, I will put together a plan of how we can work together to get you to your goals. I will then discuss this with you in the second session and we will start. In the 50 minute session, we will break up the time into sections devoted to a different element of improving English language skills: these will be speaking, listening, reading, and writing. By the end of each session, I will note down where you did well and where you need more support. We will have as many sessions as are needed to get to the end of the reading material in question. If I think you will benefit from it, I may ask you to do small assignments outside of sessions that can help you with any reading difficulties that I see are recurring challenges for you. As your grasp on English continues to improve and accelerate, I will introduce more varied exercises to help you grow. For example, we will start to listen to clips of people with different accents so that you can get used to those accents. I will ask you to write more complicated assignments and we will discuss more complicated subjects. And finally, I will give you more varied and complicated reading lists to absorb.

    Detalles del instructor

    Enseña en línea
    Enseña en línea

    Teaching Hours

    5 PM-7:30 PM
    5 PM-7:30 PM
    5 PM-7:30 PM
    5 PM-7:30 PM
    5 PM-7:30 PM
    8 AM-7:30 PM
    8 AM-7:30 PM
    Horarios en la hora local de (UTC-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada)
    60 minutos
    32 US$

    Acerca de David M.

    My ultimate goal will be to get you to an English language level that you are satisfied with and to no longer need assistance from me. We will reach this goal when we can have conversations on different topics with ease, you can listen and understand a variety of different English voices, you can read a variety of different works, and you feel comfortable with writing in English. I know that it can feel scary to confide in someone else that you are not able to do something that others your age can do. When I was in high school, I needed a tutor for math. While I didn't like it to start, I found that it got me to the point I needed to be and could successfully pass my maths exams. Following that, I gained 3 years of tutoring experience when I worked in Asia. The company that I worked for wanted me to tutor my colleagues so that their English skills could improve. For 3 years I would meet with them and I saw their grasp of English grow and their confidence in their abilities grow as well. When I gave them a final exam, they all aced it. I can promise you that I will always treat you with respect, compassion, and courtesy. You do not ever have to be afraid of making a mistake or saying "I don't know." I have found many times that making mistakes and saying "I don't know" can lead to the best learning moments.
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