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Take the Mystery Out of LA Museums: 6 Discussion Questions for Kids

Mayo 23, 2018

Take the Mystery Out of LA Museums: 6 Discussion Questions for Kids

Los Angeles Museums Taking your kids to a museum can be an educational and fun experience for the whole family — as long as you plan it correctly! You can easily encourage your child’s interest and make the opportunity an enriching and entertaining one if you keep some discussion questions in mind for both during the visit and on the drive home.

Start with these questions:

  • WHO? Who created the exhibit or piece of art? Identifying the “who” often leads to follow-up questions regarding the when, why, and how of items on display.
  • WHAT? There can be many “what’s” to the experience, such as “What did you learn?” and “What was your favorite?” This is an especially fun question for LA museums featuring fine art, like the Getty Center and the Hammer Museum.
  • WHY? Perspective and perceptions of art often vary with age. For example, a cubist Picasso work might have your four-year-old calling out shapes, your 11-year-old daughter commenting on the bizarrely skewed facial features, or your teenage son snickering over anatomically correct parts. In addition, these types of broad questions offer more lively discussions among family members, involving each person in your family.
  • WHY? Discuss the purposes of LA museums before, during, or after your visit, considering why the exhibits are on display for the community.
  • WHEN? When were the artifacts or exhibits constructed? This will lead to further “how” questions, such as how exhibits relate to the present time.
  • HOW? How does the piece of exhibit relate to your child’s world, time period, or culture? How does it make them feel? How would you or your child do it different? Exploratory questions not only increase your child’s understanding of exhibits at LA museums, but strengthen critical thinking skills as well. Want to give your kids a little room to explore on their own? Kidspace Museum encourages exploration through science and art exhibits, classes, and workshops.

Still Overwhelmed?

If you’re overwhelmed or would like something more specific to a particular museum’s exhibits, see if the museum offers a family activity kit or guide to get you started. Many museums offer lists of age-appropriate questions for children, in hopes of both engaging them in the experience and fostering a love and understanding of art. The Los Angeles County Museum of Art, for example, offers a great family activity kit, tons of great kids programs, and a free youth membership program.

Think your kids are a little young to get a lot out of a fine art at LA museums? You can still encourage their interest in the arts at Zimmer Children’s Museum. Created especially for children and babies, Zimmer offers story time, singalongs, art projects, and more. Introducing children to LA museums at a young age fosters an interest in programs later in life.

Ready for a day out at the museum? Encourage your child’s inquisitiveness, and explore the mysteries at the vast array of LA museums available. Enjoy!

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Photo by Lotzman Katzman


Jill Cole