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Connect with experts to hear how you can build a better world with code!

Diciembre 2, 2022

Connect with experts to hear how you can build a better world with code!

Throughout the week of December 5-9 learners around the world are celebrating Computer Science Education Week and everyone interested in learning how to code will also participate in Hour of Code. This movement was created as a way to democratize computer science, inspire the next generation of technology creators as well as help them learn the fundamentals of coding and how much fun it is to create. What they might not learn is how coding is used in real life. That’s where Take Lessons comes in!  

We have gathered below several ways you can connect live with professionals who can teach programming, share about their career journeys or how coding can change the world. They’ll help make what you are learning or teaching through Hour of Code relevant to what kind of jobs or skills learners might want to acquire in the future. All these experiences are free and a great way for anyone to start learning to code. 

Put a bow on this! Get 3 lessons for just $30 with promo code 3_for_$30.

FREE Event with Minecraft’s Lydia Winters and Cory Scheviak 

On December 8, you’ll hear from Minecraft’s Chief Storytelling Officer Lydia Winters and Gameplay Developer Cory Scheviak, about their career journeys and why coding can change the world. You’ll also have a chance to ask them questions via our live global chat. 

Register here 

Live Q&A with Computer Science professionals  

On December 5, you can join a live discussion about the importance of democratizing computer science education with industry professional, educators and non-profits who are making this happen every day. During this event, you will get the chance to meet Willy Orozco, the President of Computer Science Teachers Association in Miami and President of Microsoft TEALS Program as well as Sophia Sun, Senior Product Manager at Flip and Swati Kummaragunta, Principal Technical Program Manager at Flip.  Our panellists will share ideas, activities and resources to help you get started with your coding journey and answer all your questions. 

Register here 

Learn Coding with Experts 

Schedule TakeLessons affordable 1:1 lessons with instructors or attend free group classes to learn basic coding concepts, programming best practices, and even Minecraft tips and tricks!  

Explore our full computer science offering here 

We can’t wait for a week of learning, exploring, and inspiring all of you with the power of code! 

Put a bow on this! Get 3 lessons for just $30 with promo code 3_for_$30.


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