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Italian Animal Vocabulary: Learn the Animal Kingdom

Diciembre 28, 2022

Italian Animal Vocabulary: Learn the Animal Kingdom

italian vocabulary

Is your child an animal lover? Below, Italian teacher Liz T. teaches a vocabulary lesson on how to name the different types of animals in Italian…

One of the most fun things about learning a new language is expanding your vocabulary. And what better way to do that than by learning some new words for animals? 

In this blog post, we’ll go over some essential Italian vocabulary for animals so that you can start sounding like a native speaker in no time.

What is Some Italian Vocabulary?

Learning the vocabulary for animals is an important part of learning any language, and Italian is no exception. There are many common animals that have different names in Italian, so it’s important to learn the most common ones. Here are some examples of Italian animal words:

  • Dog: cane
  • Cat: gatto
  • Bird: uccello
  • Fish: pesce
  • Snake: serpente
  • Horse: cavallo
  • Mouse: topo

Obviously, this is just a small sampling of the animal vocabulary in Italian, but it’s a good place to start. With a little practice, you’ll be able to quickly learn all the vocabulary you need to talk about animals in Italian.

The best tip for learning this Italian animal vocabulary? Sign up for Italian lessons! You’ll be speaking like a pro in no time. And check out the other benefits of learning the language by watching the video below: 

The Ultimate Italian Animals Vocabulary List

Is your child just starting to learn Italian? Keeping a child’s attention while teaching him or her a new language can be difficult. Keep your child engaged by having him or her learn Italian vocabulary words for something he or she loves–animals!

Below are various Italian vocabulary words for the most common animals as well as ways to use these vocabulary words in a sentence. As a helpful note, the following Italian vocabulary words are in the singular form. If you want to change it to plural, don’t forget to look whether it’s masculine or feminine.

Here’s an Italian animal vocabulary list:

Italian Words for Animals That Are Your Pets

Practice the sentences below so your child will be able to hold a conversation with another person about his or her favorite household pets.
  • Ho (insert number here) animali. (I have X number of pets.)
  • Io sono allergico a… (I am allergic to…)
  • Ho una piccolo lucertola. (I have a small lizard.)
  • Ho perso il mio cane. (I lost my dog.)
  • E’ questo gatto in vendita? (Is that cat for sale?)
  • Abbiamo una cucciolata di gattini. (We have a litter of kittens.)

Zoo Italian Animals Vocabulary

Help your child memorize the following phrases before your next trip to the local zoo!
  • Andiamo allo zoo! (Let’s go to the zoo!)
  • L’elefante è grande. (The elephant is big.)
  • Quella scimmia è malizioso. (That monkey is mischievous.)
  • Il mio animale preferito è… (My favorite animal is…)
  • Non mi piace questo animale… (I don’t like this animal…)
  • Quanto alto è che giraffa? (How tall is that giraffe?)

Italian Words for Farm Animals

  • La mucca mangia l’erba.(The cow eats grass.)
  • Animali da fattoria sono cosi carini. (Farm animals are so cute.)
  • Il cavallo fa un suono come questo…(The horse makes a sound like this…)
  • I polli sono cova le uova. ( The chickens are hatching their eggs.)
  • Mi piace andare a cavallo. ( I like to rise horses.)
  • I maiali cattivo odore.( The pigs smell bad.)

What Animal is Unique to Italy?

Curious about more Italian animals? Let’s take a closer look at some critters that can only be found in Italy.

The Italian sphinx is a species of moth that is found only in Italy. The adults have a wingspan of around 4 inches, and they are brown or black in color with darker markings. The larvae are green with white stripes, and they feed on various types of plants. 

The Italian sphinx is not considered to be threatened or endangered, but it is protected by law in Italy. Although the moth can be found in other parts of Europe, it is most commonly seen in Italy, where it is considered to be a symbol of good luck.

The Italian Wolf is a subspecies of grey wolf that is native to the Italian Peninsula. Though it was once widespread throughout Europe, the Italian Wolf’s range has shrunk considerably over the years. Today, there are an estimated 500-700 individuals living in the wild, with the majority of them residing in Italy. Though they are protected by law, Italian Wolves face significant threats from hunting and habitat loss. 

Last but not least, the Italian Wall Lizard is a lizard that is found only in Italy. It is a common sight in gardens, parks, and open areas near human habitation. The Italian Wall Lizard is green with brown spots and can grow up to 12 cm in length. It feeds on insects, spiders, and other small invertebrates. 

Interestingly, the Italian Wall Lizard is capable of regenerating its tail if it is lost. This ability helps the lizard to escape from predators. The Italian Wall Lizard is an important part of the country’s ecosystem and provides a valuable service by controlling the population of harmful insects.

What is the Italian Word for Animal?

The Italian word for animal is animale. This word covers all types of creatures, from mammals and reptiles to amphibians, birds, and fish. In Italian, all animals are considered equal – there is no separate word for “pet” or “wild animal.” The only exception to this rule is the word for “insect,” which is insetto. 

While most insects are considered pests, there are a few that are actually considered helpful, such as bees and ladybugs. In general, however, the word animale is used to refer to all creatures large and small. So whether you’re talking about your dog or a whale, the Italian word you’re looking for is animale.

This Italian Word for Animals List Will Prepare You For Your Next Visit!

Learning animal vocabulary is a great way expand your knowledge of the Italian language. By becoming familiar with some of the most common words used to describe animals, you’ll start sounding like a native speaker in no time. Just remember to have fun with it and don’t get too stressed out if you can’t remember everything right away—Rome wasn’t built in a day!

I hope you’ve enjoyed learning Italian and practicing these animal names and phrases. For a great exercise, bring your child to the closest zoo or farm and have him or her practice naming the different animals in Italian.

For more Italian vocabulary words and useful phrases, ask your Italian teacher. He or she will be able to help you feel more comfortable speaking, writing, reading, and listening about topics such as animals.

LizTPost Author: Liz T.
Liz T. teaches singing, acting, music and Italian lessons in Brooklyn, NY. She is a graduate of the Berklee College of Music with a B.M. in vocal performance and has a graduate certificate in arts administration from New York University. Learn more about Liz here!

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