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Moin H.

5+ years experience.

A candle loses nothing by lightning another candle.

I plan to make communication simple basically English is not as hard as a lot of students think. Students can feel the difference even after a single demo class that will be offered for free. It's rightly said If you really like something you will find a way or else find an excuse. I have scored 7.0 bands in IELTS academic and have been to the US and UAE with familiarity with multiple cultures. As a teacher, I can best teach you.
About Moin H.

I am a hotel management graduate. My degree is basically a B.Sc., H.S., bachelor of science in hospitality studies. Teaching is my passion as well as a source of income for me. When I teach, I myself learn a lot in terms of knowledge and human behavior. Well, students can gain everything that I offer, which includes communication skills, subject knowledge, a positive attitude, and confidence, and it's not limited to only this but much more.

Teaches Grades Elementary School, Middle School, High School, College, PG & Above


Instructor Details
Subject: Reading
Common Core English
Creative Writing
Essay Writing
Teaches 6 subjects. Different subjects may have different prices.
Teaches Online
Teaches Online

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60 minutes
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B. Sc H.S
Apr 2007 - Jul 2010
University of Pune
Fluent Proficiency