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Our 3+ Best Math Tips for When You're Feeling Stuck

March 28, 2023

Our 3+ Best Math Tips for When You're Feeling Stuck

Feeling stuck in math class? You’re not alone. Math can be tough, but there are some things you can do to make it a little easier. In this blog post, we’ll give you three of our best tips for when you’re feeling stuck in math. 

So whether you’re struggling with your multiplication tables or differential equations, we’ve got you covered with our round up of the best math tips.

How Do I Become Smarter in Math?

There’s no doubt that math can be difficult. But there are a few things you can do to help improve your math skills:

  • First, practice regularly. Doing math problems on a regular basis will help keep your mind sharp and better able to handle complex mathematics
  • Make sure you understand the concepts before moving on to more difficult material. 
  • Work with a tutor or teacher. Having someone to guide you through difficult concepts can be immensely helpful. 
  • Seek out resources like tutors or online courses to get extra help when you need it. 
  • Don’t be afraid to ask for help. If you’re struggling with a concept, reach out to a friend or family member who might be able to offer some insight. 

By following these tips, you’ll be on your way to becoming smarter in math in no time.

Still stuck? Again, consider hiring a math tutor to help you learn the ropes. You’ll learn everything you need to know to become a math whiz. You’ll also have access to math tips like what you see in the video below: 

What Are Some Tips for Math? General Math Study Tips to Follow

Solving math problems can seem tedious at times, and other times it can be frustrating and challenging. When you find yourself stuck on a particular problem, it’s nice to have a few tricks up your sleeve. Here are three math tips to get you moving again.

Be Familiar With Factoring Tricks

This first trick is actually three math tips in one! The key is that all three math tips have the same general plan: to help you factor a number or determine divisibility.

With every even number being divisible by two, and every number with five or zero as the last digit being divisible by five, you might wonder if there are tricks for other numbers. Luckily, there are! Here are a bunch of math tips for how to determine which numbers are divisible by other odd numbers:

  • For 3, add up all the digits in the number. For example, taking the sum of the digits in 123,456 gives you 21.
  • Since 21 is divisible by 3 (3×7=21), 123,456 is also divisible by 3.

This same trick works if you try it for 9 as well. Adding all the digits of 12,345,678 together equals 36. And as 36 is divisible by 9 (9×4=36), 12,345,678 is divisible by 9 as well.

Figuring out if a number is divisible by 7 is a little more work, but it can still be done!

  • First, take the last digit of the number and double it.
  • Then, subtract that result from the rest of the digits, but don’t use the last digit again!
  • Take 112 for example. The last digit is 2, and 2×2=4. So subtract 4 from 11, which gives you 7, which of course is divisible by 7
  • Now you know 112 can be divided by 7 as well (7×16=112).

For larger numbers, if you don’t know whether the result is divisible by 7, just continue doing the process until you’re sure. With 1,393, you have 3 as the last digit, and when you double it you get to 6. Subtract 6 from 139 to get 133, and then you have 3 as the last digit again. Subtract double-3 (2×3=6), from 13 to get 7, which is divisible by 7, and 133 is also divisible by (7×19), as is 1393 (7×199). This doesn’t seem too bad!

Draw The Math Problem To Get A Better Idea

Not all math problems benefit from using a drawing, but if you can depict the situation with figures instead of just the text, you may get a better understanding of what’s going on (especially if you’re a visual learner!). You might also be able to make connections through the diagram that you wouldn’t otherwise.

This is one of the simplest math tips out there. A lot of math tutors and grade school teachers will encourage (and sometimes require) you to draw the problem out as a solution step. They weren’t doing it to make it longer for you to get through your homework. They were doing it because sometimes a visual interpretation can give you a better idea of the problem than just the words on the page.

Math Word Problems Tips and Tricks

If you’re like most people, you probably dread math word problems. They can be confusing, overwhelming, and difficult to solve. But there’s no need to fear! With a little practice and the right approach, you can master math word problems in no time. Here are 5 tips and tricks to help you get started:

Read the problem carefully. Make sure you understand what the question is asking before you start trying to solve it. If you’re not sure, try re-reading the problem or ask a friend or teacher for help.

Break the problem down into smaller pieces. Once you understand what the problem is asking, start by solving the easy part. For example, if the problem asks you to find the total cost of 3 items and you know how to find the cost of 1 item, start by finding the cost of 1 item first. Then you can use that information to find the cost of 2 items, and finally 3 items. By breaking the problem down into smaller pieces, it will be much easier to solve.

Draw a picture. Sometimes it can be helpful to visualize the problem by drawing a picture. This can make the problem feel less abstract and more concrete, which can make it easier to solve.

Make a list or table of information. Another way to organize the information in a math word problem is to make a list or table. This can help you keep track of what information you have and what information you still need to find. It can also be helpful to write down any formulas or equations that might be relevant to solving the problem. 

Take your time. Don’t rush! Make sure you understand the problem and have all the information you need before beginning to solve it. Rushing will only lead to mistakes being made. 

Math Division Tips and Tricks

When you were first learning division in school, chances are you were taught to use a T-chart or other similar method. While these methods are fine for beginner mathematicians, they’re not exactly practical when you need to do division in your head. 

One of the easiest ways to do division in your head is by dividing by 2, 5, or 10. For example, let’s say you’re dividing ten by five. You would simply take away a zero from the number you’re dividing (in this case, ten) and the answer would be two. Dividing by two works in a similar way–if you’re dividing ten by two, simply take away a zero and the answer is five. Let’s try one more example: dividing 100 by 10. In this case, we would take away two zeroes and the answer would be ten. 

Now that we’ve learned how to divide by some of the easiest numbers, let’s move on to some slightly more difficult ones. Dividing by four can be tricky, but there’s an easy way to remember what to do. If you’re ever stuck trying to figure out how to divide by four, simply think ” halve it, halve it again.” So if we’re trying to divide eight by four using this method, we would first halve eight which would give us four. We would then halve four (giving us two) and then halve two (giving us one). The answer to eight divided by four is one. 

Math Test Taking Tips

If you’re like most people, you probably didn’t enjoy taking math tests in school. Whether it was the pressure of time limits or simply not understanding the material, math exams have a way of stressing people out. However, there are some things you can do to set yourself up for success and boost your math test scores.

General Math Test Taking Tips

First, get organized. The night before your test, lay out everything you need: calculator, pencils, paper, etc. This will help you avoid scrambling the morning of and will give you a chance to relax and focus on the material. It’s also important to have all the tools you need so that you’re not trying to figure out how to use a new calculator when you could be working on problems.

Review key concepts. Before starting to review your entire math unit or chapter, take a look at your syllabus or teacher’s notes to identify which concepts will be covered on the test. It’s important to focus your review on these key ideas so that you don’t waste time studying topics that won’t be included. Once you’ve identified the main concepts, create a study guide or practice problems focused on those topics.

Cramming the night before an exam is not an effective way to study and will only increase your anxiety levels. Start reviewing material a few days in advance so that you can go over concepts multiple times and really absorb the information. If you leave your studying until the day of, you’ll likely find yourself feeling rushed and overwhelmed. Plus, if you don’t understand something, there won’t be time to ask your teacher for help before the test.

If you finish early, great! Use that extra time to check over your work and make sure all your answers are correct. However, don’t rush through the exam just so you can say you’re done—it’s not worth making careless mistakes that could cost you points. Go through each problem slowly and carefully, and resist the urge to move on until you’re confident in your answer. 

Remember, it’s better to get one question right than two wrong!

ACT Math Tips

The math portion of the ACT can be daunting, but we’re here to help!

First, practice, practice, practice! A good way to start is by taking a practice test under timed conditions so that you can get a feel for what the test will be like. Then, focus on the areas where you need improvement and do more targeted practice. The more comfortable you are with the format and types of questions on the test, the better your chances of doing well.

Know your stuff. Make sure you brush up on all of the math concepts that will be covered on the test. Even if you’re confident in your abilities, it never hurts to review the basics. Not only will this help you boost your score, but it will also help build your confidence going into the test.

Stay calm. It’s easy to get frazzled during a timed test, but it’s important to try to stay calm and focused. If you start to feel overwhelmed, take a deep breath and relax. Remember that you know the material and you can do this!

Time yourself wisely. Be strategic about how you use your time during the test. Make sure to budget enough time for each question so that you don’t fall behind and end up rushing through the last few questions. At the same time, don’t spend too much time on any one question – if you’re stuck, it’s okay to skip it and come back later. The most important thing is to use your time wisely so that you can finish all of the questions within the allotted time period.

Guess if needed. If you’re really stumped on a question and running out of time, go ahead and make an educated guess – it could end up being right! But don’t spend too much time agonizing over a single question – remember that there are 40 other questions on the test that you can get right. Just do your best and move on.

SAT Math Tips

The SAT Math test can be a daunting challenge, but there are certain things you can do to increase your chances of getting a high score. By following these math tips, you’ll be on your way to acing the SAT Math test in no time!

The first step to doing well on any test is knowing what to expect. The SAT Math test consists of 58 multiple-choice questions and 44 grid-in questions. You’ll have 80 minutes to complete the multiple-choice questions and 60 minutes to complete the grid-ins. make sure you pace yourself accordingly!

A big portion of the SAT Math test will focus on algebra, so it’s important to brush up on your skills before taking the test. Review basic algebraic concepts such as solving equations and graphing linear equations. If you’re struggling with algebra, consider signing up for a tutoring session or two before taking the test.  

Nothing will help you prepare for the SAT Math test better than actually doing practice problems. There are plenty of resources available online and in print that provide SAT Math practice problems. Do as many as you can! This will not only help you get comfortable with the types of questions that will be on the test, but it will also help improve your speed and efficiency. 

We all have our strengths and weaknesses, and that includes math. Take some time to identify the topics that give you trouble. Then, focus your studying on those topics. Don’t neglect your strengths, but make sure you put extra effort into improving your weaknesses. 

If you’re running out of time and you’re unsure of an answer, it’s OK to guess! On multiple-choice questions, you have a 25% chance of getting the answer correct just by guessing (since there are 4 choices per question). Of course, if you can eliminate one or more answer choices, your odds go up even more! On grid-in questions, there’s no penalty for guessing, so it’s always best to fill in an answer rather than leaving it blank.      

Grid-in questions are worth more points than multiple-choice questions, but they’re also much harder. Attack each grid-in question systematically and don’t be afraid to use scratch paper. 

Also, make sure you double-check your work before moving on—it’s easy to make careless mistakes when solving math problems!

Math Tips for Parents of Elementary Students

It can be tough to know how to help your elementary school student with math. After all, it’s been a while since you’ve done math yourself! But never fear, we’re here to help. Here are some math tips that will have your child doing math like a pro in no time.

Tip #1: Practice

The best way for your child to become good at math is to practice as much as possible. Encourage them to work on math problems every day, even if it’s just for 10 or 15 minutes. And when they’re stumped on a problem, encourage them to keep trying until they get it. The more they practice, the better they’ll become.

Tip #2: Explain Their Thinking Out Loud

 A big part of doing math is being able to explain your thinking process out loud. This is called “verbalizing.” When your child is working on a problem, have them verbalize what they’re doing and why. 

For example, if they’re adding two numbers together, they might say something like, “I’m adding these numbers because I want to find out how much money I have in my piggy bank.” 

Verbalizing helps kids think through problems and understand the concepts better. Plus, it’s great practice for when they have to take tests!

Tip #3: Encourage Them to Use Manipulatives 

Manipulatives are physical objects that kids can use to help them understand concepts better. For example, if they’re learning about addition, you could give them some pennies and Have them add up different combinations of pennies. 

Or if they’re learning about fractions, you could bake a pizza together and cut it into different fractions so they can see what a half or a fourth looks like. There are all sorts of manipulatives you can use depending on what concept your child is struggling with—just get creative!

Tip #4: Help Make Connections

A big part of understanding math is making connections between different concepts. So if your child is having trouble with one concept, try to help them see how it relates to something else they know. 

For example, if they’re having trouble understanding fractions, you could explain that a fraction is just like a mini pie chart. If they’re having trouble with multiplication facts, you could explain that multiplication is just repeated addition (3 x 4 just means 3 + 3 + 3 + 3). Making connections like this will help your child better understand the concepts and remember what they’ve learned.

How Can I Improve My Math Fast?

Want to improve your math skills but don’t have a lot of time? Luckily, there are some things you can do to make significant progress in a short period of time. Here are three effective strategies to help you improve your math skills fast.

1. Use Mnemonic Devices

Mnemonic devices are tools that help you remember information more easily. When it comes to math, there are all sorts of mnemonic devices you can use to remember everything from the order of operations to the different parts of a fraction. For example, one popular mnemonic device for remembering the order of operations is “Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally” (PEMDAS). 

2. Practice, Practice, Practice

If you want to get better at math, there’s no substitute for practice. Whether you’re trying to learn a new concept or just hone your skills, doing plenty of math problems is the best way to see results. A great way to practice is by using online quizzes and flashcards. That way, you can track your progress and quickly identify areas that need improvement. 

3. Get a Tutor

One-on-one tutoring is an extremely effective way to improve math skills quickly. A tutor can help you identify areas that need improvement and target those areas with customized lessons. Tutoring also gives you the opportunity to ask questions and get feedback in real-time, which can accelerate your learning process. 

The Best of All the Math Tips? Get Help From Your Teacher Or A Private Tutor

We’ve listed this one last because it’s probably the most important tip. If you’re stuck on a math problem and can’t figure out where to go next, asking for help can be hard, but necessary. Don’t think of it as something you should be embarrassed or ashamed of. Many of the smartest people in the world today had troubles getting through some of their math problems! They knew when to ask for help, and that’s what helped them persevere.

Along with getting help from your math class teacher, consider finding a private tutor for math. Getting one-on-one instruction can help a great deal, as the pace of teaching is matched to your individual needs. You’ll never need to worry about the teacher going too fast for you to comprehend everything, or too slow and cause you to be bored to tears. Your tutor can also help you target specific areas in your math curriculum that might need extra work, and show you different ways to understand and master the concepts. Once you’re at that point,  you’ll fly through those math tests and start improving your grades in no time!


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Suzy S.