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Infographic: Check These 8 Things to Become a Better Singer

May 23, 2018

Infographic: Check These 8 Things to Become a Better Singer

How to Be a Better Singer - The Singer's StanceAs you’re learning how to be a better singer, proper posture is bound to come up! Who knew so much could be affected by the way you stand when you sing? Take a look at the basics in this infographic by Ann Arbor, MI voice teacher Elaina R...


When you hear the word “posture,” what do you think of? A ballerina poised for action, or a military officer standing at attention, perhaps. Be warned: neither the ballerina nor the military officer has a good singer’s stance.

The word “posture” has so many negative connotations that I don’t use it with my students. Instead, I use the word “stance.” Singing stance is actually the healthiest possible way to stand. It lines your body up in the most comfortable and efficient way, reducing tension and maximizing your ability to breathe and phonate. By honoring your body’s construction in your stance, you gain the freedom and flexibility you need to improve your singing.

How to Be a Better Singer - The Singer's Stance

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Standing like this will feel weird at first. Use a mirror or ask your voice teacher to help you, since what you feel and what you are actually doing are often completely different. I tell my students to practice standing well whenever they remember: while waiting in line, cooking, or talking on the phone, for example.

As you get used to your singer’s stance, you may find that you feel more relaxed and better in general. That makes sense, since this is the way your body was meant to stand. Great posture is just one of the many wonderful benefits of voice lessons as you learn how to be a better singer; you will likely look taller, thinner, and more confident just by standing this way. Embrace your singer’s stance and welcome a more relaxed, poised, and musical you.

Elaina RElaina R. teaches opera voice and singing in Ann Arbor, MI, as well as through online lessons. She is currently working on a Master of Music at the University of Michigan, and she has a B.M. from the University of Southern California. Learn more about Elaina here!



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Photo by The Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas


Suzy S.