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Will Cardio & Physical Activity Make You a Better Singer? [Video]

February 4, 2022

Will Cardio & Physical Activity Make You a Better Singer? [Video]

cardio to strengthen your singing voice

Can doing physical exercise and cardio help you become a better singer? The answer is yes! Learn how to strengthen your singing voice and which activities are best in this article by voice teacher Rebecca R

Imagine this scenario: you’ve signed up to run your first marathon. Maybe you ran cross-country back in high school and have kept up with running as a regular form of exercise. Because of this, you don’t use a training plan, and instead continue your normal exercise routine. When the day of the marathon arrives, though, you struggle to complete the entire course and end up injured. You’d probably feel like your body betrayed you, right?

While this scenario is a VERY exaggerated circumstance, it gets the point across: in order to accomplish a physical goal in the healthiest way possible, a certain amount of body awareness and training is required.

And although it doesn’t demand nearly the same endurance training as running a marathon, singing is a very physical activity. While just two tiny muscles are responsible for forming the sound of your singing voice (your vocal cords), the act of singing is a whole-body experience.

So, what’s the proper way to train? In this post, we’ll give you some tips to strengthen your singing voice so you can be the best “athlete” possible!

Will Physical Exercise Improve Singing?

strengthen your singing voice

There are all kinds of exercises you can do to strengthen your singing voice, but cardio and physical exercise offers the following benefits in particular:

  • Increases breath stamina
  • Improves cardiovascular strength and endurance
  • Improves muscles tone
  • Stimulates your endorphins
  • Helps you sing clear and higher with less strain
  • Boosts energy levels and overall emotion 

So what kinds of exercises can you do to strengthen your singing voice – and most importantly, are there other things you can do besides breaking a sweat in the gym to improve your clarity and tone? We’ll walk you through everything you need to know in this detailed guide.

But first, here’s a quick video with some simple singing exercises you can do to improve your voice:

Adding physical activity to your musical practice to develop stamina and strengthen your singing voice is a great idea. Here’s how it can help you sing better:

Ways to Strengthen Your Singing Voice With Cardio and Physical Activity 

strengthen your singing voice

1. Your Body is Your Instrument

In nearly every introductory voice lesson I teach, the student is always surprised by how physically demanding the lesson is. Often, he or she feels like they just went on a jog. That is exactly how any student should feel after a voice lesson!

When you sing to the best of your ability, you are using your entire body. Your feet ground you, your legs support you, and your torso expands and works to provide the breath support needed to fuel your singing. Even if you’re sitting in a chair, leaning against a piano, or laying on the ground, you are using more than just your throat and head to sing.

If learning how to strengthen your singing voice is a goal for you, the first step is to map out body awareness. Ask yourself the following questions the next time you sing:

  1. Which muscles are engaging when I breathe? When I’m singing a phrase of music?
  2. What do my feet feel like under me? Can they feel the ground?
  3. Where do I feel my torso expand when I inhale? In the front? On the sides? In the back?
  4. Am I holding any unnecessary tension in the body? Maybe in the shoulders or the jaw?

2. Breath, Breath, and More Breath!

Lung expansion is a saving grace for any singer. For most circumstances in everyday life, we inhale and exhale subconsciously without needing to actively engage our lungs. When we sing, however, we use up to 90% of our lung capacity depending on the range, style, and length of the song.

Unless you also happen to be an athlete, chances are you don’t perform many activities throughout the day that require a lot of conscious breathing. Enter cardio exercises: jogging, running, swimming, circuit training, you name it! All of these forms of exercise, in addition to their overall health benefits, will improve lung expansion, which helps you access more of your lung capacity and fuel your voice through any practice session, lesson, or performance. Good breath support gained through cardio exercise is what ultimately will provide the stamina to sing safely for hours, days, and years.

Editor’s Note: For more breathing exercises, join our next live, online class! View the schedule and reserve your spot here.

3. The Importance of Posture

While having good posture may seem obvious, I don’t think most singers realize that posture is something that needs to be worked on and strengthened regularly. Just like training the lungs with cardio, we need to strengthen our body to support good, natural posture while releasing tight muscles.

Yoga or pilates will accomplish both of these goals, along with added mental benefits! By strengthening your instrument (your body) and loosening up tight muscles, you will sing more freely and with more ease. As an added bonus,you’ll be able to warm up your voice much more quickly if your body is already warmed up!

Here’s a quick little trick for when you need help setting up your posture: Inhale fully and deeply without raising your shoulders or tightening your neck. Then, as you exhale, imagine your spine growing longer in both directions, up out of the top of your head and down toward the ground simultaneously.

How Much Physical Activity Do I Need to Sing at My Best?

strengthen your singing voice

While the minutes spent and intensity of all physical activity will vary from person to person, here’s a basic schedule you may want to follow:

3 Times a Week

Cardio should be reserved for long vocal practice days. On cardio days, I’ve found that my lung capacity is at its best, and the energy I feel after cardio helps fuel long practice sessions. To get all the benefits of the cardio when you sing, try to fit it in before you practice.

2 Times a Week

Yoga or pilates is reserved for my non-practice/non-performance days. Yoga classes that are lengthy and provide a hearty workout (such as Vinyasa or power yoga), as well as pilates classes, build strength and flexibility, which can leave the body sore and in need of some recovery. It’s best to avoid activity that might add temporary tension or tightness on singing days — or save the workout for after your singing.

Every Day

Gentle yoga and stretching can be done anytime and is highly encouraged, particularly before you sing. I always reserve time for some gentle yoga on performance days, audition days, or long rehearsal days — the gentle stretch not only allows my mind and body to calm down and feel grounded but also makes warming up vocally easier and quicker.

What are the Best Physical Exercises for Singers?

strengthen your singing voice

As a singer, any kind of physical exercise will help strengthen your singing voice – and improve your overall health. There are a few types of exercises, however, that stand above the rest.

These include:

  • Swimming – endurance swimming tightens your stomach, conditions your lungs and heart, expands your back, increases your breath capacity, and more
  • Martial arts and yoga – both of these exercises can help improve your concentration and focus, something that can dramatically decrease your stage anxiety. They can also help improve your balance, strength, breath coordination, concentration, relaxation, and more. 
  • Team or solo sports – from running to bicycling, skating to basketball, any kind of physical activity will boost your endurance. 

Some other simple exercises you can do (without having to hit the gym or spend a lot of time doing them) include:

  • Jump roping and articulation exercises
  • Walking around while you sing
  • Planks combined with vowel singing
  • Push-ups combined with siren warm-ups 
  • Head rolls combined with siren warm-ups

As a singer, you may want to reduce the amount of time you spend doing exercises like powerlifting or competitive marathon running. These two extreme exercises can lead to dehydration or weakened posture when done in excess. 

Of course, that’s not to say that they’re totally off limits – but if you have a love for extreme kinds of sports and singing, you may want to try to strike a balance between the two to help preserve your singing voice. 

How to Strengthen Your Singing Voice: Exercises to Try

strengthen your singing voice

If you want to know how to strengthen your singing voice without straining at the gym, the good news is that there are plenty of ways to do so even if sweating it out isn’t your thing. Give these other vocal exercises a try! 

  • Yawn-sigh warm-up
  • Humming
  • Vocal straw exercise
  • Lip buzzing
  • Tongue trills 
  • Jaw loosening and tightening
  • Vocal sirens 
  • Scales 
  • Vocal slides 
  • Diaphragmatic singing 
  • Hissing exhales 

Not sure how to get started in incorporating these exercises to strengthen your singing voice into your routine? Give singing lessons a try! Your teacher will be able to point you in the right direction. 

Does Physical Exercise Help the Voice?

strengthen your singing voice

If you want to know how to strengthen your voice to sing, spending some time in the gym is one of the best things you can do. 

In addition to getting some exercise on a regular basis, follow these quick tips to improve and strengthen your singing voice:

  • Drink lots of water  
  • Eat a healthy diet 
  • Protect your throat in extreme weather conditions 
  • Rest your voice consistently
  • Don’t smoke and limit the amount of alcohol and caffeine you drink, both of which can lead to dehydration 

Follow along with the video below for a quick stretching sequence you can start using today.

Of course, always remember that signing up for singing lessons is one of the best things you can do to strengthen your voice as well! A 1:1 instructor will give you the attention and individualized instruction you need to become the best singer possible.

Singers, what kinds of physical activity do you engage in? Leave a comment below and let us know how it’s helped!

RebeccaRPost Author: Rebecca R.
Rebecca R. teaches singing, piano, and music theory in Ridgewood, NY, as well as online. She teaches students ages 6 and up, and a variety of experience levels. Learn more about Rebecca here!

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