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Angels & Airwaves Exclusive: Interview with David Kennedy

March 19, 2014

David KennedyEver wanted to learn guitar with a real rockstar? As we launched our live, on-demand lessons through Google Helpouts this month, we thought it was the perfect time to kick things up a notch and give one lucky guitar player the opportunity of a lifetime – a 30-minute, one-on-one guitar lesson with Angels and Airwaves’ David Kennedy.

We also were about to chat with David about his advice for beginner guitarists and more. Read on for the interview…

1) What’s one thing you’ve learned about guitar that you wish you knew when you were just beginning?
I wish I would have learned just to play and have confidence, without worrying that everything sounds perfect. There are no actual rules to playing, so it’s just a matter of getting into it and finding what works for you.

2) What is your best advice for beginner guitar players?
Practice! It’s as simple as that. Pick up your guitar for 20-30 minutes a day at least, or more than that to really get better. It’s all about repetition, so the more you do, the better you’ll get. But you also can’t burn yourself out, so I’d start with the 20 minutes a day, and then build up.

3) What’s the most important guitar skill to master to get the Angels and Airwaves sound?
Arpeggio chords are pretty important to our sound, and we do it in a lot of our songs. To practice, just pick any chord you know how to play, break it apart,  and find a pattern. Again, it’s all about repetition to improve, so use that each time you practice.

4) Did you study with a private guitar teacher when you were younger? If so, what was that experience like, and did it help you?

I studied with a few different teachers, but usually it ended with them just wanting to show off their own skills, instead of helping me. I think that’s key when you’re looking for a guitar teacher – find someone who understands your interests and goals, and someone who truly wants to help you improve. Also, jamming with friends and other players can help a ton, because you learn from each other.

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Suzy S.