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Easy Vocal Exercises for Vacation

June 18, 2013

easy vocal exercisesVocalists, you’ve got it made! No matter where you are, you always have your instrument with you. So even when you’re on vacation, it’s a great idea to set aside some time to do some vocal exercises to stay sharp.

Here are a few ideas:

Breathing Exercises
Proper breathing helps create that full, strong sound that singers strive for. By practicing specific exercises for breathing, you’ll train yourself to the point where it’s part of your natural routine. And you can practice this anywhere – sitting on a plane, while relaxing on the beach, you name it. Check out this video to view some great breathing exercises to try.

Ear Training Exercises
Working on your ear training is easy to do – all you need is your iPod! As you turn up the tunes, try to really listen to the harmonies, intervals, and vocal techniques that the singers use. Mentally pick apart the song, identifying different instruments and rhythms. Then, turn off your music and sing what you just heard. Experiment with phrasing, breathing, dynamics, and harmony lines. There are also tons of music apps you can download to your smartphone to practice interval training and pitch matching, which can be great resources on the road.

Simple Scales
When in doubt, run through your scales! These exercises can help with many aspects of your vocal technique, from strengthening your range to improving your diction. Click here for some exercise ideas.