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How Can I Tell if I'm Breathing Correctly? Mastering Breath Technique for Singing

November 1, 2022

breathingIt may seem silly to ask whether you’re breathing correctly. After all, it’s something we do subconsciously each and every day. But when it comes to singing, there actually is a right way to breathe. Here, Chesterfield, MO teacher Lauren V. explains how to check…

Many singers have a hard time knowing if they’re breathing correctly when singing. In this blog post, we’ll discuss some of the ways you can tell if you’re breathing correctly, and how you can improve your breathing for singing.

What is the Best Breath Technique?

There are a variety of breath techniques that can be used for singing, and the best one for you may depend on your individual vocal needs. For example, here are some of the best breathing techniques for singing:

  • If you find yourself running out of breath quickly when singing, you may want to try a diaphragmatic breathing technique. This involves inhaling deeply into your stomach, rather than your chest, which can help to increase your lung capacity. 
  • If you’re struggling to project your voice, pursed-lip breathing may be a good option for you. This technique involves exhaling through slightly pursed lips, which can help to create a focused airstream that will carry your voice further. 
  • The best breath technique for singing is the one that works best for you and helps you to produce the sound that you want. Experiment with different techniques until you find the one that gives you the best results.

Need help figuring out how to improve your breathing techniques for singing? Check out this video and be sure to sign up for singing lessons today: 

What is the Correct Breathing Technique for Singing?

As vocalists, we are taught to sing using good breath technique.  What does this look like?  If you’ve ever noticed an athlete breathe, generally you will see the chest and shoulders rise.  When singing, good technique allows the ribcage freedom of motion to allow maximum air capacity.

Use the Diaphragm

Let’s break this down and learn about a key part of the body called the diaphragm.  First, to identify the diaphragm, locate the soft section in the middle of the rib cage, located above your belly button.  Now follow your rib cage down and around the sides.  The diaphragm is a large flat muscle attached to the bottom of your rib cage.  It is involuntary, so it functions all by itself.  As we breathe in, the diaphragm lowers to allow the lungs to fill with air.   As we exhale, the diaphragm relaxes into a domed shape.

See How These Breathing Techniques for Singing Feel

Now, let’s try a breathing experiment.  First, breath by raising your shoulders and chest.  Do you notice your head move as well?  Next, lets try using proper technique.  Allow your ribcage to be free, and take a deep breath in through your nose.  You will notice your sides and stomach expand.  This is due to your lungs filling completely with air.  If you didn’t notice your ribcage moving, try placing your hands on your sides.  Now think of Superman standing inside your ribcage pushing out as you breath in – feel them move?

Exercises and Other Tools to Help With Breathing Technique for Singing

Looking for some specific exercises you can do to ensure you’re breathing properly while singing? Check out the video below for some helpful pointers.

You should always be conscious of your breathing, as it is the most important part of a singer’s sound, power and control. For a more in depth study of the anatomy of singing, I recommend reading Your Voice, an Inside View by Scott Jeffrey Mccoy.

Breathing Techniques for Singing High Notes

For many singers, especially beginners, singing high notes can be a daunting task. The good news is that there are a few breathing techniques that can help you sing those high notes with ease. 

The first thing to keep in mind is that you should never hold your breath while singing. This will not only make it more difficult to sing high notes, but it can also be dangerous. Instead, you should always exhale while singing. This will help you to control your breath and produce a clear sound.

Another helpful tip is to relax your body while singing. This includes your abdominal muscles, which should be loose and relaxed. Tense muscles will make it more difficult to take deep breaths, which are necessary for hitting those high notes. 

Finally, be sure to practice regularly. The more you sing, the better your respiratory system will become at handling those big breaths required for high notes. And don’t forget to warm up before you start singing! Warming up helps to loosen your vocal cords and get your body ready for singing.

What Are Some Other Tips for Mastering the Proper Breathing Technique for Singing?

When you’re singing, it’s important to make sure that you’re breathing correctly. Otherwise, you may not be able to hit the high notes or sustain long notes. Here are some of the ways you can tell if you’re breathing correctly when singing:

Your stomach should expand, not your chest. 

If you’re breathing correctly, your stomach should expand as you take in breath. This is because the diaphragm, which is a muscle located at the bottom of your lungs, contracts as you inhale. This contraction pushes down on your stomach, causing it to expand. If you see your chest expanding instead of your stomach, then you’re not breathing correctly. 

You should feel relaxed. 

When you’re singing, you should feel relaxed and comfortable. If you’re feeling tense or like you’re struggling to breathe, then something is off. Try to focus on taking slow, deep breaths and relaxing your body as much as possible. 

Your voice should sound good. 

If you’re breathing correctly while singing, then your voice should sound good. If your voice sounds strained or breathy, then that’s a sign that something is wrong with your breathing. Make sure that you’re taking slow, deep breaths and exhaling fully so that your voice sounds clear and strong. 

Master the Proper Breathing Technique for Singing Today – and Sing Better Tomorrow!

Breathing is an important part of singing, but it can be difficult to know if you’re doing it correctly. 

By keeping an eye on your stomach, making sure you feel relaxed, and listening to how your voice sounds, you can get a good idea of whether or not you’re breathing correctly while singing. 

If something doesn’t feel right when you’re learning good breathing techniques for singing, don’t hesitate to seek out some help from a vocal coach or other professional!

Chesterfield music teacher Lauren V.Lauren V. teaches piano, singing, Broadway singing, music performance, music theory, songwriting, speaking voice, & acting lessons to students of all ages in Chesterfield, MO. She joined the TakeLessons team in July 2012, with over 10 years of classical voice and piano training, and 12 years of theater experience. Sign up for lessons with Lauren, or visit TakeLessons to find a music teacher near you!


Photo by fauxly.


Suzy S.