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How to Practice Singing: Practical Tips for Memorizing Lyrics

April 5, 2023

How to Practice Singing: Practical Tips for Memorizing Lyrics

Need to memorize lyrics–quickly? Take a look at these helpful tips from Ann Arbor, MI voice teacher Elaina R


If you’re like me, then you probably love to sing. There’s just something about belting out a tune that feels really good. But if you want to be able to sing in public or even just around your friends and family, then you need to learn how to practice singing. 

In this post, I’m going to share some practical tips for memorizing lyrics. So let’s get started!

How Can I Practice My Singing Voice?

Here are a few tips to help you get the most out of your vocal practice:

Start with some simple vocal exercises. These will help to warm up your voice and get your vocal muscles ready for more strenuous singing.
Practice your breathing. Proper breathing is essential for good singing, so make sure that you’re taking the time to breathe deeply and evenly.
Work on your posture. Good posture helps to improve your breath control and gives you a better tone.
Repeat tricky phrases or sections. If there’s a particular phrase or section that’s giving you trouble, repeat it several times until you have it down perfectly.
Record yourself. Listening back to recordings of your practice sessions can help you identify areas where you need improvement.

By following these tips, you’ll be well on your way to becoming a better singer. So get practicing today!

The best way to improve your singing voice won’t be the same for any two singers out there – which is why it’s so important to take singing lessons with a qualified instructor.

You’ll learn everything you need to know about memorizing lyrics, in addition to what’s covered in the video below (and more!):

How to Practice Singing at Home for Beginners

For many people, memorizing words is easier if the words are set to music–that is why songs are often used in education (there is even a song that lists all 50 states!). That being said, trying to memorize a song on a deadline is not fun. Not many people know how to practice singing lyrics effectively, and singers often need to learn multiple songs on short notice.

If you are struggling to memorize lyrics, you are not alone. Plenty of people have trouble memorizing lyrics to songs. Memorization becomes even harder if the song in question has lots of words or is strophic (has a repeated melody with different words each time). Here are some tricks that will help you learn how to practice singing the right words in just a few days.

Memorization Methods Without Singing

Singing a song over and over while looking at the music can help you memorize, but it can also tire your voice out. Here are some memorization methods that don’t involve any singing at all.

1. Speak or mouth the words: Try reading a passage from the song, then repeating it without looking at the words. Keep doing this, making the passages longer and longer each time. Eventually, you will be able to speak the whole song without looking at the lyrics. If you need to save your voice, try mouthing the words instead of saying them.

2. Write the words out: This exercise is similar to the previous one. Read a short passage from the song, and write it down without looking at the lyrics. Continue doing this, working your way through the song and making your passages longer and longer as you memorize more. Remember to write with a pen or pencil and paper; physically writing has been proven to jog your memory better than typing.

3. Listen to the song: If you have a recording of the song available, great. If not, make a quick one featuring yourself–it doesn’t matter if it doesn’t sound perfect, as long as you get all of the words right. Listen to the recording, singing along with it mentally. You can do this anywhere you want as long as you put the recording on an iPod or smartphone.

4. Run through the song in your head: Even if you do not have a recording available, try running through the song in your head, taking care to think each word as you go. If you find you can’t remember a particular word, look at the lyrics and try again.

How to Practice Singing Lyrics

Of course, singing the song is another great way to memorize the lyrics. Here are a few memorization techniques you can use that involve singing.

1. Sing the song without looking at the lyrics: Even if you think you aren’t ready, try singing through the whole song without looking at the words; you may surprise yourself. Take note of difficult parts and double-check the lyrics before you try again. You can also alternate between singing while looking at the lyrics and singing without looking at them.

2. Sing along: Play a recording of the song and sing along. If you falter, the singer on the recording will fill in the words for you. Pay careful attention while you do this–otherwise, you may go on autopilot and not remember the words.

How Often to Practice Singing

As any singer knows, practice is essential to maintaining vocal health and developing musical skills. But how often should a singer practice? 

The answer depends on several factors, including the singer’s experience level and the specific goals of their practice sessions. 

Beginners may benefit from daily practice sessions of 20-30 minutes, while more experienced singers may only need to practice a few times a week. And while it’s important to Warm up before singing, cool down afterwards with some gentle stretching exercises. 

By finding the right balance of frequency and intensity, singers can ensure that they’re getting the most out of their practice sessions.

How Long to Practice Singing

How long should you practice singing each day? That depends on a number of factors, including your goals, schedule, and level of experience. If you’re just starting out, 15-20 minutes per day is a good amount of time to get started. 

As you become more experienced, you can increase your practice time to 30 minutes or more per day. If you’re trying to improve your vocal range or learn new techniques, daily practice is essential. 

And if you’re preparing for an audition or performance, you’ll need to put in some extra time to make sure you’re ready. The bottom line is that the more you practice, the better your results will be. So find a schedule that works for you and stick to it. Your voice will thank you for it!

How Do I Begin to Practice Singing?

Before you begin practicing singing, it is important to find a comfortable and quiet place to sing. This will help you concentrate on your singing and reduce distractions. 

Once you have found a suitable location, there are a few basic vocal exercises you can do to warm up your voice. Start by humming for a few minutes to get your vocal cords moving. You can then try some gentle lip rolls and tongue trills to loosen up your mouth and jaw. 

After warming up your voice, it is time to start practicing some basic scales. Begin by singing a simple five-note scale, starting with the lowest note you can comfortably sing and working your way up the scale. 

As you become more comfortable with hitting the notes accurately, you can begin to add more notes to the scale. You can also vary the dynamics of your voice, from soft and gentle to loud and powerful. 

Remember to take breaks often when practicing, as overuse of your vocal cords can lead to strain and injury. With regular practice, you will develop stronger vocal muscles and be able to sing with greater control, power, and flexibility.

Can You Naturally Learn to Sing?

Many people believe that you have to be born with talent in order to sing well. However, this is not necessarily true. While some people may have a naturally gifted singing voice, others can learn to sing through hard work and practice. There are a number of techniques that can help anyone to improve their singing voice, including learning proper breath control, finding the right pitch, and improving vocal range.

By taking the time to learn these techniques, even those who don’t consider themselves “natural” singers can develop their skills and become better singers. 

So while talent may play a role in singing ability, it is certainly not the only factor. With enough practice, anyone can learn to sing.

Now that you know how to practice singing the words to a song, it’s time to put that knowledge into action. For any of these techniques, whether you are singing, speaking, or simply thinking the words, the key is to practice every single day. If you have very limited time, you may even want to go over the words multiple times a day. Put in the time, and your brain will do the rest. Happy memorizing!

ElainaElaina R. teaches opera voice and singing in Ann Arbor, MI, as well as through online lessons. She is currently working on a Master of Music at the University of Michigan, and she has a B.M. from the University of Southern California. Learn more about Elaina here!



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Suzy S.