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15 Stats That Prove Being Bilingual is Awesome [Infographic]

May 13, 2019

15 Stats That Prove Being Bilingual is Awesome [Infographic]

Are you thinking about learning a new language? Having the ability to speak and understand two languages—also known as bilingualism—has its fair share of perks. Besides the obvious social advantages, there are many other benefits of being bilingual. For example, speaking two languages enhances your cognitive skills, improves your mental health, and even boosts your salary.

Don’t believe us? Check out these 15 statistics that prove being bilingual is awesome!

Benefits of being bilingual infographic


It’s never too late or too early to start learning a new language. While it can be difficult and frustrating at times, the benefits of being bilingual are worth it. So, what are you waiting for? Make the commitment to learn a new language today!

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Brooke Neuman