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image of Mira W.

Piano with Mira W.

Los Angeles, California

Teaches online
Teaches Beginner
All ages
Speaks Spanish
Teaching since 2008

    About Mira W.

    After twenty years of violin and viola performance under the tutelage of instructors from the LA Opera, the Juilliard School, the Cincinnati Conservatory, as well as lifelong piano studies, I've come to see that music education is in itself a real art. I began tutoring (and now teaching) in 2005, teaching my first music students in 2008. I see that success in an instrument lies in tapping into students' passions for motivation and incorporating mindfulness practice for improved concentration. I not only work to help students' musical abilities grow - I utilize this practice as a holistic system for improving discipline, creative capacity and self-esteem. Though I graduated cum laude from Georgetown University's School of Foreign Service rather than a music conservatory, I lead a professional chamber music group in the DC area and developed a strong familiarity with the temperaments of successful musicians and tricks to grow quickly. As an instructor in language and ethics in Los Angeles, I have worked with many different age groups and have a natural talent for motivating students' best work. Piano: As my native instrument, I teach piano as a gateway to understanding universal fundamentals in music. Music literacy includes theory, history, aural skills, technical skills, mindfulness, and learning strategies. I am particularly skilled working with students with learning disabilities and utilize a multimedia approach to match students' learning styles. Don't be surprise to see me whip out play dough, drums, markers, and other underrated tools to tap into students' learning potentials (adults too!) Violin: There is nothing like studying violin to learn how to refine our use of the body from posture to self-expression. But let's face it -- violin is a difficult instrument! Like my piano lessons, I use a variety of skills and approaches from my research that set me apart from mainstream violin pedagogy. I enjoy incorporating my martial arts training into my approach to strengthen the mind-body balance and empower students towards self-learning. Viola: I have been fortunate to receive top training in viola from artists internationally and understand that the viola is not to be lumped in with the violin! Unlike many teachers who teach both violin and viola, I understand the history, repertoire, culture and unique voice of this instrument. I most enjoy working with young violists, who are learning to find their way around this unique form of artist expression. *** Lesson Details *** Lessons begin with a mindfulness activity and discussion, checking in with the student's attitudes towards practicing and their preferences in study. I utilize the Suzuki books and Alfred Music, combined with educational techniques developed by the great pianists and violinists of the past like Sergei Rachmaninov, Yehudi Menuhin, and William Primrose. We spend a short period dedicating to listening and improving theory, and then move forward into repertoire with the input of the student. *** Specialties *** Beginners (Up to 1 year of study) Intermediate (1-4 years study) Advanced (4+ years of study)

    Instructor details

    Teacher's Studio
    Teacher's Studio
    Amherst Ave. #

    Teaching Hours

    9:30 AM-10:30 AM
    2:30 PM-3:30 PM
    5:30 PM-6:30 PM
    Times are shown in your local timezone (UTC-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada)
    30 minutes
    45 minutes
    60 minutes
    90 minutes
    120 minutes
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