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Here’s the Secret to Finding “Hidden” Time for Your Hobbies

February 6, 2023

Here’s the Secret to Finding “Hidden” Time for Your Hobbies

You know how it goes. You have a long list of things you want to do, but with work, family and other obligations, there’s just not enough time in the day. So what do you do? You sacrifice your hobbies. 

But what if there were another way? What if you could find “hidden” time for your hobbies? It might not be as difficult as you think. 

Here are a few tips to help get you started with finding time for hobbies.

How Much Time Should I Spend on My Hobbies?

How much time should you actually spend on your hobbies? When it comes to finding time for my hobbies, it depends on a few factors. 

  • Consider how much free time you have. If you only have a few hours each week, you’ll need to be more selective about which hobbies you pursue. 
  • Make sure to choose activities that you can realistically fit into your schedule. 
  • Think about your goals for pursuing a hobby. Are you looking to simply relax, or do you want to achieve a specific goal, like becoming a better photographer? 
  • Consider the cost of your hobby. Some activities, like hiking or birdwatching, can be done for free. Others, like golf or painting classes, may require an investment of money and time. 

By taking all of these factors into consideration, you can ensure that you’re spending the right amount of time on your hobbies.

Not sure how to pursue your passion while dealing with the rest of your life, too? Consider taking lessons at TakeLessons. You’ll be able to take lessons in just about anything that might interest you, from music to languages, without feeling as though you’re fumbling around in the dark trying to figure out what to do next.

TakeLessons even has fun videos you can watch in your spare time throughout the day – from anywhere! Here’s an example:

How Can I Make Time Hobbies if I Work Full Time?

“If you had an extra hour in your day, how would you spend your time?”

Your answer to that question can tell you a lot about yourself, and it’s fun to think about.

But the reality is: 24 hours is all you get. (Sorry!) So it can be tough to know how to find time for hobbies.

You can’t quit your job. You can’t ignore family commitments and responsibilities. If you want to learn a new skill, improve your current talents, or work toward a big learning goal, it’s up to you to make that happen. So how do you balance that with a busy schedule?

It’s simple: learn to budget your time the same way you budget your money.

Here are the steps you can take if you feel like you’re too busy to learn or take up a new hobby, proven to work by some of our top students.

1. Decide you WANT to learn.

The first step to financial success is deciding to have a budget. And that budget is often dictated by your short- and long-term goals. Maybe you want to pay off your student loans or mortgage within five years. Or maybe you just want that new jacket you saw at Nordstrom.

Now let’s translate that into learning: what are your goals there? Do you want to be able to sing confidently in front of a group? Play guitar at a friend’s wedding? Speak Spanish fluently on an upcoming vacation? Write these down, and put them somewhere you can see them every day.

Excuses will always come up. And heck, life will sometimes get in the way. But if you’re excited about improving your skills, that’s the first step.

2. Be realistic.

You wouldn’t set a $300 budget for going out to eat if you only had $50 discretionary cash per week. Similarly, be realistic about the time you can commit to practicing and taking lessons.

If you’re juggling a busy schedule, a 30-minute lesson once per week may be all you can find time for. Or maybe you can’t even commit to that — fortunately, you can find teachers who are more flexible week-to-week, and rescheduling is always an option if something comes up.

Once you have your lesson time penciled in, then it’s time to schedule your practice time. But be realistic about that, too! You may not be able to practice for hours every day, and that’s OK. Even a short practice session will help you stay on track, if you make it efficient.

3. Find the right hacks.

If you’re a super-budgeter, you probably know all the tricks. You hold out for great deals, look for coupons and discount codes, and so on.

Same goes for budgeting your time. If you break down your schedule, you may find you have extra time in your day for your hobbies. And yes, that may mean skipping the Netflix marathons, or cutting back on the time you spend browsing social media.

You were probably expecting that advice, right? But look: there are even more hacks you can try. Here are some ways TakeLessons students have made time for their hobbies:

  • Take online lessons. Ordering takeout for dinner is a great time saver. What if you could get music or language lessons delivered to the comfort of your home, too? Turn on your computer, pull up the TakeLessons Classroom, and you can meet with your teacher instantly — no travel time required.
  • Take advantage of your workspace. If your company allows it, consider taking your online lessons during your lunch break. If you prefer in-person lessons, find a teacher close by your work, so it’s not a hassle to get to. You can also use your time going to and from work. As a language learner, for example, you can practice listening to your target language during your commute!
  • Find a flexible teacher. If you need to reschedule a lesson every now and then, don’t stress. While a designated lesson time each week will help you stay accountable, we understand that things come up! If you have unique scheduling needs, feel free to use our Ask a Question feature before booking your lessons, to find a teacher who can accommodate.
  • Use your guilty pleasures to your advantage. Learning a new skill doesn’t have to be all work, no play! Musicians: jamming with community groups or going to karaoke is a fun way to add music to your day. Language students, consider changing the language settings when you’re watching TV, or pick a foreign movie with subtitles.

4. Adjust as needed.

Budgets ebb and flow — unplanned bills show up, salaries go up and down, and can’t-miss opportunities arise. The best financial advice is to stay flexible and adjust your budget often.

Similarly, sometimes the time you’ve budgeted doesn’t go as planned. We get it: life gets busy. So don’t beat yourself up if you need to reschedule a lesson or if you miss a practice session. Stay positive, and fit in what you can!

Planning ahead can help, as well. Work with your teacher to create a 15-minute practice routine, if you’re short on time one week. Or, make a list of ways to fit practice into your everyday life.

Even the most successful people have “off” days. Get back on track when you can, review your goals again, and envision where you’d like your skills to be in one year.

5. Pay yourself first.

One of the best money tips out there is to pay yourself first.

What does that mean, exactly? In terms of finances, it means setting aside funds for your future self before anything else. (Think: emergency funds, retirement accounts, and so on.)

So, apply the same strategy to how you’re spending your free time. Want to stay sharp? Learning a musical instrument is linked to improved memory, concentration, and IQ. Want to get ahead in your career? In today’s job market, learning a second language will make you a more valuable employee, and may even lead to a higher salary.

Or maybe it’s a more personal goal. Many of the adult students we talk to mention they took music lessons as a kid, and wanted to bring that joy back into their lives.

So the question is… do you want to invest in yourself? When you think of it that way, making time for your hobbies seems like a no-brainer.

6. This app finds time in your schedule for hobbies

Everyone knows that feeling of being bogged down by a busy schedule and not having any time for the things they enjoy. 

However, a new app called Life- Balance is here to help. This app works by connecting to your calendar and identifying pockets of free time in your schedule. 

From there, it provides suggestions for activities that you can do to fill those moments. The app includes a wide range of options, from physical activities like going for a run to creative pursuits like painting or writing. 

Whether you’re looking to get active or simply want some time to relax, Life-balance can help you find the time you need. 

So if you’re feeling overwhelmed by your schedule, give this app a try. It just might help you find a little bit of balance in your life.

Finding Time for Hobbies When You Have a Family

For many people, having a family means that their free time is limited. However, it is still important to make time for your hobbies and interests. Doing things that you enjoy can help to reduce stress, improve your mental and physical health, and make you a better parent. 

If you’re struggling to find time for your hobbies, here are a few tips:

  • Schedule It In: Put your hobbies on your calendar just like you would any other appointments. This will help you to make time for them on a regular basis.
  • Make It A Family Affair: involve your spouse and children in your hobbies whenever possible. This way, you can all enjoy quality time together while also pursuing your individual interests.
  • Find A Support Group: There are probably other parents in your community who are also looking for ways to balance their responsibilities with their hobbies. Connect with them and plan activities that everyone can enjoy.

Finding Time for Multiple Hobbies 

It can be difficult to find time to pursue multiple hobbies, especially if they are time-consuming or require significant effort. However, there are some ways to make it work. One option is to schedule time for each hobby into your week. 

For example, if you have a passion for painting and gardening, you could set aside two hours on Saturday morning to work on your garden, and then spend the afternoon painting. Another option is to find hobbies that complement each other. 

For instance, if you love hiking and playing the guitar, you could plan hikes that end at a scenic spot where you can sit down and play a few tunes. 

Finally, remember that it’s okay to take a break from hobbies from time to time. If you’re feeling stressed or overwhelmed, take a week or two off to recharge. Pursuing multiple hobbies can be rewarding, but it’s important to be realistic about what you can handle. Find what works for you and go with it.

How Do I Find My Hobby and Interest?

Everyone has hobbies and interests. From playing sports to reading books, there are myriad activities that can bring us joy and provide a much-needed outlet from the stresses of everyday life. However, finding our hobby can sometimes feel like a daunting task. With so many options available, it can be difficult to know where to start.

One helpful way to narrow down our options is to consider our existing skills and expertise. Are we looking for a hobby that will allow us to improve our existing abilities? Or are we interested in trying something new? This can be a great way to get started, as it can help us focus our search on activities that are more likely to be enjoyable.

Another approach is to think about our passions and interests. What topics or activities do we already enjoy? Are there any areas that we would like to explore further? This can be a great way to find hobbies that are both enjoyable and rewarding.

Ultimately, finding our hobby is a journey of self-discovery. By taking the time to explore our options and identify our interests, we can find activities that bring us joy and enrich our lives.

How to Have Hobbies Outside of Work

It can be difficult to find time for hobbies outside of work. However, research has shown that having hobbies can improve work performance and mental health. Here are some tips for how to have hobbies outside of work:

  • Make a list of activities you enjoy. This could include things like reading, hiking, playing sports, or crafting.
  • Set aside some time each week to pursue your hobbies. Even if it’s only 30 minutes, this dedicated time will help you stay motivated.
  • Find a hobby group or meetup to connect with others who share your interests. This can make pursuing your hobby more enjoyable and social.
  • Use your lunch break or evenings after work to squeeze in some hobby time. If you have trouble getting started, try setting a goal for yourself (e.g., reading one chapter of a book per day).

By following these tips, you can easily fit hobbies into your busy schedule and reap the benefits of having an enjoyable activity outside of work.

How Busy People Find Time for Hobbies

If you’re like most people, finding time for your hobbies can be a real challenge. But it doesn’t have to be that way. 

By considering some of the tips we’ve shared in this post, you can find more time for the things you love – without feeling guilty or overwhelmed. So what are you waiting for? Start carving out some “me-time” today! 

Readers, how do you make time for yourself? Have you ever felt like you were too busy to learn something new? Leave a comment below and share your experience! 

Photo by Will Foster

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Suzy S.