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French Activities & Hobbies Vocabulary

November 15, 2021

French Activities & Hobbies Vocabulary

French Vocabulary

Have some fun with your French when you practice talking about your favorite activities. Tutor Emmanuel N. is here with all the vocabulary you’ll need…

Bonjour, everyone!

Are you interested in learning some basic French vocabulary words for your favorite hobbies? This post will walk you through some basic French vocabulary terms! 

We all have our own hobbies and activities that we love to do – sometimes on a daily basis. For many of us, learning French happens to be one of these activities! So wouldn’t it be nice to explain what you like to do in French?

If you’re looking to expand your French vocabulary, be sure to learn some words to describe the types of activities you do in your everyday life. Some of these may be things you love to do, while others aren’t quite so fun. Regardless of how much you enjoy these activities, knowing who to describe sports and hobbies in French is an ideal way to practice your language skills. Once you know a solid list of hobbies in French, you can begin expanding on them and describing more details about them and how they fit into your daily life.   

Are you ready to learn how to describe hobbies in French?

Check out the list below for some common words and phrases used when describing what you do for fun. From helping you explain your preferences to using this vocabulary in context, our guide to French activities will do wonders for your language skills.

What is the Best Way to Learn French Vocabulary for Hobbies?

french vocabulary

The best way to learn French vocabulary, whether it’s language to describe your hobbies or something else entirely, is to practice, practice, and practice some more! The only way to become fluent in a language and to reap all the benefits of doing so is to use it on a daily basis.

Here are some other tips for learning basic French vocabulary:

  • Get back to the roots – memorize words that share a common root all at the same time
  • Memorize your cognates
  • Read as many books in French as possible
  • Practice the French vocabulary words in sentences
  • Make associations that you will remember
  • Use flashcards 
  • Choose a “word of the day” every day 
  • Try practicing with a French language app

Another great way to memorize French vocabulary words? Listen and repeat. The best way to do this is to find a friend who is native in French and can help you practice. If that’s not an option, consider taking online French lessons – or watch French videos on YouTube, like this one:

French Vocabulary List: 8 French Vocabulary Words for Activities We Enjoy

french vocabulary words

Whether relaxing at the beach, catching up on our favorite TV shows, or going on a family vacation, we all have activities that we love and enjoy. Being able to describe what you like doing in French is also a great way to describe yourself in this language. For example, if you love going on vacation, you are most likely an avid traveler. 

But first, you need to learn how to describe what you like to do in French. Here are a few French vocabulary terms to describe common activities many of us enjoy.

  • Regarder la télé  Watch television
  • Parler au téléphone Talk on the phone
  • Lire To read
  • Faire de l’équitation Go horse riding
  • Faire de la natation → Go swimming
  • Faire du sport Do sports
  • Voyager Travel
  • Faire du vélo → To ride a bike

French Vocabulary List For Activities We Don’t Enjoy

However, there are also things we hate doing or rarely do. While some of us may like faire les magasins (to go shopping), others of us hate it. Some of us love sortir avec les copains (to go out with friends), while others prefer to spend time alone. Either way, we all have activities that we just don’t like doing. Check out some examples below:

  • Faire le ménage Housework/chores
  • Faire de devoirs Do homework
  • Étudier → Study
  • Jouer au golf Play golf
  • Faire du jogging Go jogging

Using French Vocabulary in Context

When it comes to the activities we enjoy or don’t enjoy, in French, we always put “J’aime ou je n’aime pas” (I like or I don’t like) before the activities that we either enjoy or don’t enjoy. For example, maybe tu aimes danser (you like to dance), but tu n’aimes pas écouter de la musique (you don’t like to listen to music). Or, maybe tu aimes jouer au foot (you like to play soccer), but tu n’aimes pas jouer aux cartes (you don’t like to play cards).

Here are some more examples:

  • J’aime sortir avec les copains. – I like to go out with my friends.
  • Vous aimez voyager ou faire du sport? – Do you [formal] like to travel or do sports?
  • Elles n’aiment pas étudier. – They [girls] don’t like to study.
  • Il n’aime pas faire les magasins. – He doesn’t like to go shopping.
  • Nous aimons chanter. – We like to sing.
  • Elle n’aime pas tellement jouer au tennis. – She doesn’t really like to play tennis.
  • J’aime surtout fair du ski nautique. – I especially love to water ski.
  • Ils n’aime pas beaucoup faire de la photo. – They [boys or boys and girls] especially don’t like to take photos.

Once you get a handle on explaining your preferences when it comes to your favorite and least favorite hobbies in French, you can begin stringing sentences together and building conversations. For instance, after expressing what you like to do, you may want to ask someone’s preferences on the topic. 

If you want to ask someone if they like to do something, you just say, “Est-ce que vous/tu aimez/aimes…” (Do you like to…), and then add in the activity. For example:

  • Est-ce que tu aimes jouer à des jeux video? (Do you [informal] like to play video games?)
  • Est-ce que vous aimez faire de l’athlétisme? (Do you [formal] like to do athletics?)

Describing How Often You Perform an Activity

Now that you have a list of hobbies in French to play with, you can begin adding more specific details to these activities. Maybe you love to read and you do it every night before bed. Or perhaps you dislike playing golf, so you prefer to never do so. 

If you want to mention how often you do any activity, here are some French vocabulary words to describe the frequency with which you perform a particular activity. This lets you tell a more complex story.

  • Jamais Never
  • De temps en temps From time to time/occasionally
  • Souvent Often
  • Rarement Rarely
  • Tous les jours → Every day
  • ____ fois par semaine  ____ times a week
  • Une fois/deux fois/trois fois par semaine Once/twice/three times a week
  • Quelquefois Sometimes

For the most part, these frequency words and phrases come after the verb and before the activity itself. For example: “Je ne fais jamais du sport” (I never play sports) or “Je fais souvent de la natation” (I often go swimming) or “Je joues quelquefois au foot” (I sometimes like to play soccer).

However, de temps en temps and  ___ fois par semaine go at the end of the sentence. For example: “J’aime écouter de la musique de temps en temps” (I like to listen to music occasionally) or “J’aime faire du jogging deux fois par semaine” (I like to go jogging twice a week).

How Can I Practice French Vocabulary Words?

Now that you know how to talk about the activities you like and don’t like doing, time for some devoirs. If you want your French to improve, you have to practice. So, how about writing down what you like to do and how often you do it in French. Then, say what you don’t like to do and how often you do or don’t do those activities.

You can even start a diary, describing all the activities you did over the course of the day. Did you go for a swim like you do every day? Or did you go jogging for the first time in months? Not only will you practice using the terms and phrases you are learning, but you’ll soon find room to add more French activities to your vocabulary. 

While understanding how to describe French activities is a great way to expand your language skills, nothing beats studying with a professional teacher. When you sign up for French lessons, you will receive one-on-one instruction from a private French tutor. Looking for an even more convenient way to practice your French? Join our online French lessons, which invite you to learn wherever and whenever you have internet access. Mastering French has never been easier.

Have fun, and a tout à l’heure!

Emmanuel Noriega
Post Author:
 Emmanuel N.
Emmanuel N. teaches online Spanish and singing lessons. He earned his B.A. in psychology from California State University, Fullerton and has been teaching lessons since January 2015. Learn more about Emmanuel here!

Photo by Pepe Pont

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