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Learn Saxophone your way with a TakeLessons expert

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Private lessons with top Saxophone instructors

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Gordon L.

Gordon L. began playing music at a very early age but didn't begin to learn the saxophone until he was in fifth grade. Gordon's interest in music grew when he began to work sound systems for bluegrass bands and eventually he started to experiment more with music. Soon after he would pick up guitar which would spark his interest in further pursuing his playing of music. After he bought a guitar, Gordon would practice relentlessly, sometimes for as long as 12 hours a day. This passion for music allowed Gordon to go to a summer rock band camp in San Diego where he learned everything you need to know about touring, playing in a band, making a music video etc. When Gordon reached his senior year of high school he attended Perpich Center of the Performing arts in Golden Valley, Minnesota. While he was learned he took classes in ear training and music theory. He also took a Taiko drum class while he was at Perpich. Along with learning new musical concepts, Gordon also learned how the music business works which got him more interested in marketing the bands he performed in. Gordon also was able to take guitar lessons at Macphail in Minneapolis under the apprenticeship of James Allen. Gordon went on to Mesabi Range Community College where he received his Associates Degree. While there he played saxophone in the Community Band and guitar in bands he started himself. Gordon also took a banjo class, piano class and a music history class at Mesabi Range Community College. His main focus in the past years has been working with bands doing studio work, mini tours and CD production/marketing for those groups. After Community College, Gordon went to Evangel University in Missouri where he continued to study Guitar and Saxophone while picking up more woodwind and string instruments. Gordon took private guitar lessons and attended a Guitar Master Class at this college. He also attended Missouri State University where he learned about theory and composition. He also played Saxophone in the jazz band. While he attended school in Missouri he relentlessly continued to play in multiple groups live and recorded a Ska/Reggae CD (guitar and saxophone tracks) with the band Bringers of the Dawn. Gordon can fluently play and teach Electric Guitar, Acoustic Guitar, Clarinet, and Saxophone. Gordon is also willing to teach harmonica and banjo to those interested in learning. Gordon also has knowledge of several other cultural instruments with a background in piano lessons from high school and college. He got superior and excellent ratings at musical competitions for voice and saxophone in high school where he performed songs such as the Hungarian Dance #5 and Beautiful Dreamer. Gordon loves all genres of music and enjoys learning every style he can in order to improve his musical instruction. For the moment Gordon is pursuing songwriting particularly in the field of cultural music. Focusing on the students immediate musical needs, Gordon is able to encourage students to set goals in order to efficiently practice, concentrate and focus during the lesson time. Gordon is very patient with every student so that they refrain from becoming frustrated, overwhelmed or intimidated. Realizing the importance of music, Gordon makes sure that every student leaves each lesson having learned something new.

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First lesson with my grandson. My grandson enjoyed it. Joseph was very professional.

louis rufrano (Saxophone lessons with Joseph M.)

Very professional and thorough!

Dana (Saxophone lessons with Joseph M.)

My child likes the class. She learned a lot of new important details about saxophone and feels happy. The instructor was very patient and made the learning go smoothly. She is already talking about he

Evelina (Saxophone lessons with Gleb V.)

Kleb was fantastic!!! Carter is super excited and can’t wait for his next lesson

Carter (Saxophone lessons with Gleb V.)

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Saxophone Lessons

The saxophone is a legendary instrument in the world of music. From classic jazz tracks to rock ‘n’ roll, the saxophone has been used by many types of musicians over the years.

The saxophone is a single-reed instrument that was first developed in the 1840s by instrument maker Adolphe Sax. Sax introduced saxophones that played in C and F, as well as ones that played B flat and E flat. The latter instruments became much more popular, soon becoming the standard types of saxophones played worldwide. In the early 1900s, the instrument rose in popularity with the ragtime and jazz music movements of the time.

Ready to start learning! We have the best online saxophone lessons (and in-person sessions) at TakeLessons, so sign up today!

Certified Saxophone Teachers

Our saxophone teachers are all background checked and fully certified by our learning platform. Plus, we have teachers with experience in various music styles, from jazz to pop and rock ‘n’ roll.

Finding the right teacher for your learning goals is vital. This is why our platform makes signing up for the best online saxophone lessons an easy process. Browse through our teachers, see the music styles they specialize in, and pick a budget that works for you. Prices differ between teachers, but the average price of a 60-minute lesson is $62.

Get started today with virtual or in-person saxophone lessons!

Online Saxophone Lessons for All Ages

Any age can pick up the saxophone. Young children can enjoy expressing themselves for the first time on an instrument, while older learners can refine their playing style or pick up a new hobby.

At TakeLessons we have saxophone lessons for kids that provide the perfect mixture of challenge and fun. Our teachers are skilled in helping children push themselves, while also curating a healthy respect for the history of the instrument. Adult lessons are designed around each learner’s goals, helping older learners master new songs or get comfortable performing live.

Look no further for the best online saxophone lessons (and in-person sessions). Sign up today to get started!

Saxophone Lessons for All Levels

TakeLessons offers every level of saxophone lessons, making it easier for all learners to find an ideal lesson plan for them.

When you sign up for lessons, you’ll be able to pick your teacher and let them know what your skill with the saxophone is. Saxophone lessons for beginners will cover the fundamentals of the instrument, from learning basic fingerings to playing your first song. We also have advanced teachers with experience preparing students for auditions, performances, and much more.

We’ve got the best online saxophone lessons for all skill levels at TakeLessons. Sign up today!

Saxophone Lessons Curriculum

Sample Curriculum for Beginner Saxophone Lessons

  • Making a good tone
  • Basic fingerings
  • First songs
  • Saxophone history
  • Different types of saxophones

Sample Curriculum for Intermediate Saxophone Lessons

  • Playing saxophone solos
  • Saxophone and jazz
  • Range practice
  • Intermediate songs

Sample Curriculum for Advanced Saxophone Lessons

  • Improvising on saxophone
  • Saxophone and pop music
  • Advanced techniques
  • Playing by ear

Sign up Today

Sign up today to get access to effective and affordable saxophone lessons designed specifically for you. Our team of teachers specializes in teaching many levels and ages, and brings years of experience in coaching to every session. What’s more, the best online saxophone lessons and in-person tutoring also come with a 100% Satisfaction Guarantee. Sign up and get started!


Is it hard to learn the saxophone?

It isn’t hard to learn the saxophone, especially compared to other instruments. The scales on the saxophone run up and down the keys, making fingering not too difficult to grasp. It also translates well if you know other woodwind instruments or piano. Though it can be relatively easier, it is still a challenge to make a saxophone sound great, and taking lessons can vastly improve your overall sound quality, as well as how quickly you learn. Trying out the saxophone teachers at TakeLessons is a great place to start.

Can you learn the saxophone yourself?

You can start learning saxophone by yourself, but it’s going to be frustrating and very time-consuming if you don’t have any help. Learning the saxophone is a lot easier with a great tutor at your side who can show you the right fingerings and walk you through music theory. There are many options for lessons, including in-person tutoring and online tutorials. Whether you’re looking for the best online saxophone lessons or an in-person session, TakeLessons has you covered.

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